
Vision, Values and Aims

Find out more about our World Mission ministry

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Our vision is that every Christian at All Souls recognises that our God is a missionary God and sees engagement in world mission as an integral part of what it means to belong to the body of Christ.


Find out more about the values that are central to the World Mission ministry.

Founded on the Bible

The Bible provides the foundation for our understanding and our prioritisation of mission and informs how and why we engage in mission. Our commitment to Christ is our highest priority above our own as well as any other culture. Our engagement must be shaped by biblical thinking and values and must resist what is incompatible to Christ.

Motivated by God’s Love

The triune God sends the church into the world to share the Good News about Jesus Christ; that he first loved us and gave his Son for us. ‘The mission of God flows from the love of God. The mission of God’s people flows from our love for God and for all that God loves.’

Committed to Holistic Mission

We use ‘the Five Marks of Mission’ (evangelism, discipleship, compassion, justice and creation care) as a framework for thinking about mission activity but we hold the gospel central and all these should spring from the gospel story and point us back to it.

Reliant on the Interdependence of the Global Church

We recognise the mutuality of the global church, that we all need each other, and the importance of Christian unity around central truths of the gospel. We want to be characterised by a commitment to learning from the global church family.

Active in Mission Globally and Locally

Christians are called to bear witness to Christ in every area of the world geographically as well as in every sphere of society.

Our Aims

Together, we are aiming to:


Listening to the global church, helping the All Souls church family understand God’s mission to all nations and our commission to be part of it; thinking through what that means in today’s world.


Motivating, equipping and sending Christians at All Souls for both short and long term mission work.


Providing generous prayer, financial and pastoral support for those we have commissioned to be All Souls mission partners as well as supporting national mission workers and other partner organisations and projects around the world.


Encouraging all members of the All Souls church family to embrace their missional vocation in every area of life and equipping them for mission opportunities while they are based in London and wherever they go.

Give to World Mission

By giving to the World Mission Fund you help to support up to 40 Mission Partners as well as a large number of projects and organisations involved in a range of mission work worldwide.